Here are a couple of presidential quotes from the news conference held in The White House on Tuesday. Normally it's very easy for me to keep my cool in my blog posts. I like to write with objective distance. But this post is of a slightly different breed. I'm troubled and exasperated. And you should be also.
Obama: “At the end of the day, the best way to bring our deficit down in the long run is not with a budget that continues the very same policies that have led us to a narrow prosperity and massive debt. It's with a budget that leads to broad economic growth by moving from an era of borrow and spend to one where we save and invest.”
My Response: I'm shocked. Just shocked. He has just passed the largest stimulus package and largest budget in history. Not in the history of the United States, but in the history of the world. And no one in the general media is calling him on this statement. Where the hell is the dissent? Conservative radio? What form of Barack hypocrisy and socialism is not acceptable to the American media and the general public?
What he really means to say is our government will spend and borrow more than ever before; grow more than ever before; and “invest” in rebuilding our economy, while they simultaneously try to get all Americans to spend, spend, spend – you know – to stimulate the economy. Mostly in the form of credit cards and bank loans – also known as debt.
The “policies” he's talking about getting government away from are exactly the same as they have ever been – borrow and go into “massive debt.” Only this time, our debts (the government's and the peoples') are bigger, and scarier, than they have ever been – in anyone's lifetime.
So what brand of “save and invest” (or “change,” for that matter) was The President talking about? I think what he really meant to say is that government will grow more, spend more, go into more debt, and take more in the form of taxes than it ever has in its history.
Obama: (I swear to GOD, I did not take this out of context) “And that's what clean energy jobs and businesses will do all across America. That's what a highly skilled work force can do all across America. That's what an efficient health care system that controls costs and entitlements like Medicare and Medicaid will do.”
My Response: Spending on an efficient health care system, spending on a highly skilled workforce, and spending on clean energy jobs and businesses are going to bring our deficit down and “...lead to broad economic growth by moving from an era of borrow and spend to one where we save and invest.”? Hungh? How the hell will spending more tax money on a health care system, and spending more tax money on clean energy jobs and jobs training bring down our deficit? That's absurd. Those are ridiculous statements. The American media is giving that man a total pass on such idiocy. He has them eating out of his hands, just because he's telling them what they want to hear. They want to hear: “green,” “everything is under control,” “I'm a big, strong leader, who will take care of all of your problems.” Rubbish. He's leading us down the path to socialism faster than any president before him, and I'm including FDR – our country's worst president.
The only thing predictable about our economy right now is that the U.S. will be bankrupt very soon.
These statements are hypocrisy of the worst kind. They're extraordinarily bold and ignorant. And they lead me to believe that Mr. Obama thinks he can control everything – that he's suffering from Frederick Von Hayek's “fatal conceit.” Or, to put it in more plain english, “the bigger they are, the harder they fall.”
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