Monday, December 8, 2008

Spores, spores, spores

I nearly always get strange looks whenever I share my enthusiasm for hunting and growing mushrooms. (No, I don't eat “magic” 'shrooms.) I've always considered them a tragically underutilized source of food and medicine. In this video, mycologist, and another one of my favorite authors, Paul Staments, offers excellent evidence of why mushrooms could very well save the planet.

He touches on subjects like: they consume oil; they produce great antibiotics; they reduce carbon dioxide; they're the world's best immune system boosters; they can permanently repel insects from your home; they have the potential to produce new fuels. I'm sure you will be fascinated by this presentation. He received a standing ovation. So maybe I'm not so strange after all. The presentation is just over 15 minutes long.

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