Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another Very Bold Lie

Yesterday, President Obama told the nation, and the world, that “only government” can get us out of our economic troubles. “Totally myopic,” I laughed. Then he went on, “There is no disagreement that we need action by our government, a recovery plan that will help to jump start the economy.” I said, “liar!” That simply isn't true, because I, and many, many others, have been writing about that very subject for some time now. So I had to look for myself to see who just might disagree. I only had to click on one, count it, one, link. It's from The Cato Institute.
They have economists and scholars from all over the world, including three Nobel Laureates, who flatly disagree with The President and what he says needs to be done. And they are all willing to state their disagreements publicly with a full page ad, with the signatures of many, in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and many other publications. So much for the “no disagreement” the President was referring to. I personally think this myopia is becoming the most dangerous and costly brand of mental functioning in American history. But more on that later. See video of the other side of the arguement here.

Spending Is No Stimulus...”
The Troubling Return of Keynesianism

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