Normally in this blog I write about economics, government policies, political economy and the like. Pretty droll stuff for most people. Occasionally I'll write about my dog, or some other random subject that pops into my head – usually existential. But unless you actually know me, that kind of info is even less interesting.

But I'm also used to looking for snakes, lizards and other little creepy crawlies pretty much out of habit. I like them for some born-into-me reason. So when something catches my eye, it's likely a crawly. So yesterday morning while walking Lucas, I noticed something out of the ordinary. I found the granddaddy of all the creepies I've ever found. And, believe me, I've found a ton of them. My first thought was: “that's positively Jurassic.”
Holy, cucarachotas, Batman! That's the biggest cockroach I've ever seen. I don't know what genus this monster belongs to, but I've never seen anything like it. I've been here in southern Mexico for almost four years, and it's the first of its kind that I've come across. I was absolutely amazed at its size. If the ordinary cockroach can be compared to a Volkswagen beetle, then this roach is a semi tractor trailer with two trailers. Huge. Just huge.
Anyway, I wanted to put up some photos, because I've already told some people about it, and they didn't seem to believe me. But here's the proof. If you look hard enough around here, you can find these little beasties. I'm still amazed. (And, no, I didn't have the heart to kill it and start my own bug collection. I've only seen one in four years, so I'm assuming their population numbers are fairly small. It seems a shame to take the life of such a rare animal.) By the way, these photos are actual size.
1 comment:
Geew :( I think I saw one of that size walking out of a Deny's once in Green Bay, WI. Friggin grose Mark :)
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