Sunday, March 22, 2009

Just Call Me Barack Cynical

When I read this rather glowbama article from yahoo news, the cynic in me came out in full force. I had a nasty, little response to everything the President was saying and promising. Here are a few excerpts:

Yahoo news: “In general, his demeanor and message were more upbeat than in recent days when public fury over executive bonuses dominated Congress. 'We will come out on the other side stronger and a more prosperous nation,' he said, acknowledging the nation's economic crisis. 'That I can guarantee you. I can't tell you how long it will take, what obstacles we'll face along the way, but I promise you this: There will be brighter days ahead.'”

My response: Really? You can “guarantee” us that much? Mr. President, exactly whose crystal ball do you have, and where can I get one? I know the job of President takes confidence, but I didn't realize you also had to be a soothsayer. His particular brand of overconfidence is his biggest weakness. Statements like those will come back to haunt that man to a degree that even he isn't prepared for.

Yahoo news: “He told Americans not to expect 'something for nothing' from their government. Improvements to the economy and medical care will take time, he said.”

My response: Really? “Something for nothing”? Isn't that exactly what The Federal Reserve is doing with our money? Printing it? Creating it out of thin air? How much “nothing” has The Fed promised to print? Three trillion? Please. This isn't The Wizard of Oz; and we're not children. We're all smart enough to understand that there IS a man behind the curtain. We're not on the yellow brick road, Mr. President, and Ben Bernanke isn't the great and powerful Oz.

Yahoo news: "Nothing is free," the president said. Responding to a woman's complaint about cuts in jobs and salaries for California teachers...”

My response: But wasn't that the agenda, isn't that the agenda, of “universal health care”? His agenda is coverage for everyone, regardless of ability to pay. So, in other words, he campaigned, at least in part, on “free” health care. “Nothing” is free? Mr. President, say what you mean, and mean what you say. I think what he really means to say is, nothing is free... for the American taxpayer.

Yahoo news: “...Obama urged people not to ask the federal and state governments to cut taxes and improve services at the same time. 'At some point you've got to make some choices,' he said.”

My response: Right. Everyone should “make some choices,” sacrifices, in other words, except the local, state and federal governments. We shouldn't expect THEM to make tough choices, just the people who are already suffering; the loyal, hard working people who are paying their taxes. What choices do they have the ABILITY to make?

Yahoo news: "We are not always going to be right," he said. "And I don't want everybody disappointed if we make a mistake here or there."

My response: “ or there”? How many “earmarks” were in the “stimulus” package? 9000? Can you say “disappointed by government,” boys and girls? I can. I've been disappointed eight thousand more times in one bill from the Obama administration, than I was in four years of Bush's time in office. I didn't agree with that man on many things. But this “stimulus” package has more cronyism and pork than a mafia-run slaughterhouse. They've treated the stimulus package not as an opportunity to make genuine strides in an economic downturn, but rather as an opportunity to get their back burner pet projects paid in full. The ridiculousness that is bound to come to light in this bill will drive down the president's popularity numbers in a hurry if this kind of spending continues.

So, this time at least, my cynicism seems to be justified. I picked apart this story like I pick apart lots of wire news stories. But this time around, I decided to blog about it, rather than just kvetch about it.


Unknown said...

I agree, but Linda told me that Barack was the answer to our country. Along with all teh other D.N.C. folks... like Ben and Jen Affleck. If they believe, then we all should.

Ravin said...

I thought when Obama became president kittens would poop rainbows. Where are all the rainbows?