Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Good Answer To An Honest Question

I always have a nagging question in my mind. “Why?” It never goes away. It plays in my head like a reel-to-reel tape with no end. I think it stays with me because life seems to throw at us so many questions, and so few answers, though I do come up with a doosie once in awhile – like the meaning of life (If you actually want the answer to that one, let me know. It will be a long post). So it's nice to see a real answer to a difficult question pop through all the unknowns mire, and give me (us) some true understanding. Believe it or not, I'm talking about a post that Penn Jillette left on Glenn Beck's website. He explains why he became a libertarian. And he makes a lot of sense – especially at the end. It's not that I care that Penn Jillette in particular is a libertarian, but he does answer “why” some people decide to do what they do, or believe what they believe. I'm just happy to see someone who agrees with me about the use of force and coercion, something I write a lot about, and he makes plenty of logical sense. So I can chalk up one article that has answered my nagging question – once. Did you hear my sigh of relief?

1 comment:

Ravin said...

love the post :)